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Upcoming Event

Public Workshop

What? The workshop provides an opportunity for community members to review and give input on:

Safe Streets conceptual designs for the priority areas

The Complete Streets Policy Vision, Principles, and Objectives

Proposed street improvements menu, Complete Streets Policy and Supplementary Design Principles, policy implementation plan, and other recommendations.

Where? - Voorheesville Firehouse, 12 Altamont Rd. 

When? - February 24th from 4-7pm


Village of Voorheesville

Safe Streets Policy and Plan

What are Complete Streets?

Complete Streets are streets designed for all users, all modes of transportation, and all ability levels. They balance the needs of drivers, pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders, emergency responders, and goods movement based on local context. New York State passed a Complete Streets law in 2011, which requires that roadway improvement projects include safe accommodations for all users, including bicyclists, pedestrians, and transit riders. A number of local governments throughout the Capital Region have adopted Complete Streets policies, ordinances, or resolutions since 2009. 

What is the Voorheesville Safe Streets Policy and Plan?

The purpose of this study is to create a Village-wide Safe Streets Policy and Plan that will advance Complete Streets in the Village of Voorheesville by creating a safer, more accessible street network for all road users.

The plan will include:

  • An evaluation of existing conditions and a safety assessment of the Village’s transportation network.

  • A safe streets policy and plan that includes a menu of complete streets improvements for street typologies found within the Village, with the intent that recommendations can be replicated throughout the Village based on street typology and context.

  • Conceptual designs for priority areas within the Village, which include railroad and multi-use trail crossings.

  • Specific capital improvements and planning-level budget estimates for preferred conceptual designs.

Vision and Goals

The following vision statement is meant to be a guide for what the Village should look and feel like in the future. The goals and objectives of the Policy and Plan are meant to be ways to achieve the vision.

Voorheesville Safe Streets Policy and Plan Vision Statement:

The Village of Voorheesville's transportation system includes a multi-modal network that is safe, accessible, and comfortable for road users of all ages and abilities and accommodates residents and visitors alike. The calm, quiet, village-scale streets provide amenities and an aesthetic that enhances the community and invites residents and visitors to explore the Village's many assets.

Voorheesville Safe Streets Policy and Plan Goals and Objectives:

This study will primarily:

  1. Identify key transportation safety considerations throughout the street network, accounting for the comfort of vulnerable road users.

  2. In the core study area (Maple Ave, Voorheesville Ave, South Main Street), identify specific interventions that address the community's transportation-related needs and concerns.

  3. Develop a Complete Streets policy and plan to guide future decisions related to the design and construction of the streets throughout the village.

Past Events

Interactive Map
    What? - A web map was created and allowed Voorheesville residents the                      opportunity to point out locations that were of concern to them and areas that could      benefit from improvements.

Online Community Survey
    What? - 
This short online survey regarding the Safe Streets Policy and Plan for the      Village of Voorheesville asked participants about their personal experiences with           transportation infrastructure as well as ways to improve the pedestrian and bicycle        experience in the village.

Public Workshop
     What? - The workshop provides an opportunity to learn more about the Safe                 Streets Policy and Plan, identify safety, accessibility, and other issues with                     Voorheesville’s street network, recommend improvements, and meet with the               project team. This will be an open house format so feel to drop in anytime                     during the event.
Where? - Voorheesville Firehouse, 12 Altamont Rd.
 When? - October 10th from 4-7pm

If you missed the public workshop and would like to view the boards click here

© Village of Voorheesville Safe Streets website prepared by EDR

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